HowDidiDo.com is the largest network of golfers anywhere in the world. Holding the handicaps, results and scores of over 1 million men and women.
Use statistics to track strengths and weaknesses in your game. With HowDidiDo, you can monitor your performance and compare yourself against other registered players.
Stay up-to-date with the latest competition results. We will bring you the latest news and stats and integrate them into your timeline so you can view all the data in just a few clicks.
We can link your account to multiple clubs and you will be able to track all your stats across the board. Let us do the hard work for you.
ClubV1 Members Hub combines an array of rich features to enhance your golf club membership experience.
Built on the backbone of our cutting-edge ClubV1 cloud-hosted software, the ClubV1 Members Hub allows you to connect directly to your golf club.
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